Saturday, April 21, 2007

Post #3 on Class material

I thought the presentation given by Lou from host my site was very informative. It is very interesting to hear stories about former Alumni starting their own company and ending very successfully. I think Lou was lucky that he really didn't face as much adversity as many other start ups usually encounter. It did help that he was working for Dupont full time to help fund his side company. I always think of starting my own company, but do not have the necessary capital and funds that seemed to help propel Lou and It will be interesting to see if Lou and his partner can further enhance the success of his company as i will definitely keep my eye on their future. I thought it was itneresting that he said most of his customers do come from over seas as I would have assumed their business would mainly be regional.


Danielle Albert said...

I agree with Rob that the presentation by Lou was extremely informative. Starting your own business is a scary thing and it is great to hear a success story like Lou's. I also would love to start my own business one day and it's comforting to know that you can succeed.

Robby said...

the risk involved is extremely scary knowing that 80-90% of start-ups fail