Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Reaction #2 to required Blog List

From Slashdot, that was an interesting article that discusses the main reasons why Sony's Play Station Three console has not been performing well. A lot of people argue that the price is simply to high which detracts away many of the mild users who are just interested in game play. The price is currently around $600 which is not attractive to people who arent interested in the blue ray features and other memory advantages that are not extremely significant for less technical users. Even though the price is acting like a major deterent, I also feel that people are not investing big bucks into the video game console is due to the lack of games that Sony has released since its release. Playstation is not making the gaming expereince as attractive as the other competitors that are blowing the market away with new games such as X-box 360 and the new Nintendo WII. I feel Sony Playstation has to address these two issues if they would like to get back into the black with the PS3.
Date of Edit- 3/13/2007
Permalink- http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/03/13/2025226&from=rss


Danielle Albert said...
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Danielle Albert said...

In response to Rob's article I agree that $600 is an obscene price to pay for Playstation. Assuming that someone would pay this amount of money for a video game why would they purchase a Sony Playstation when its competitors are offering more games and other luxuries that Sony Playstation does not offer? Sony needs to address these weaknesses in order to regain success.